Mind Control Issues

There should be legislation that prevents people from getting off of criminal activities simply by stating that a crime they were accused for was conducted because of mind control, or even because of criminal computer software, because criminal computer software would have needed to have been created and used on behalf of something else to allow the crime to then be charged to whomever or whatever was responsible for conducting the crime, its self, as the defendant, through the use of mind control to physically or mentally control the individual at the time that the crime was committed, and also there should be legislation that ensures that the data pertaining to mind control cases, including any evidence that was not put into any case at the time, is always preserved, to ensure if there is a mastermind of organizational or direct mind control crimes that have conducted crimes as others, directly as the victim of mind control, that the actual criminal that committed the crimes through the programming and use of the software is caught and brought to justice for committing the crimes against the victim, and the mind controlled victim, both of which are victims of the mastermind. In such cases that the mind controlee was not complicit with criminal activities to commit the crime, such that the mind control protectee was not aware of what they were doing, they did it, and possibly did not even remember doing it, or the memories were erased to cover up that someone else did it, such as to create a mystery of how when trying to invoke investigations into the crime, that the person that was originally or secondarily implicated cannot remember that it happened unless if they are connected to a computer system with the data corresponding to the crime its self, in addition to the victim either having legal representation and/or they themselves knowing that the case was mind control, in addition to their being 100% accurate mind control evidence, or that there is so much circumstantial evidence that every official originally knowledgeable about the crime, originally, is or was convinced by the circumstances, including extraneous circumstantial evidence, that the individual was targeted to commit crimes by another individual or a professional organization, to establish a mind control case through the lack of proper mathematically verifiable evidence, such as in the case that the evidence was purged from some, most, or even all computer systems, or hidden, such that the defense from the crime completely compromises any ability to have any reasonable assurance that it was not a mind control case if it was ever alleged, and such cases should be prosecuted to ensure that the individual(s) or organization(s) that committed the crime as the mind controlee or even illegally associated agent with an illegally created and then even deleted illegal or legal entity, are caught for conducting the actual crimes that were committed by the mind controlee in public, and that they are unable to commit such crimes in the future, and that there is justice for the victim and their family members and their contacts, to ensure that the public is aware of who committed the crime through mind control, through legislation to unseal any references to mind control, and allow the presentation of evidence in public trials, so that references to mind control are not covered up in military secrecy laws, to ensure that attorneys and protectors and defenders of justice can present their evidence, warrant investigations, and collect further evidence to ensure that they can compel jurors and judge(s) or justice(s) to get justice for their clients, as every victim of mind control crimes should at a minimum be afforded the appropriate number of defense attorneys and public officials to investigate and prosecute those that commit mind control crimes, to ensure that crime is actually stopped, when it originates from mind control, to allow crime prevention systems to ensure that others are not introduced to crime because of mind control creating criminals and victims, including by ensuring that victims of mind control and mind controlees and mind control crimes are not alienated by The Justice Department, and that any individuals involved in crimes using mind control are removed from their official positions, usually only within The Federal Government, to ensure that The Justice Department can prosecute, usually members of the 1) U.S. Military, the 2) U.S. Military Intelligence Community, or 3) a foreign military, or 4) a foreign military community, usually exclusively, except in extremely rare cases where individuals in public are allowed to conduct crimes as others by at least one of these four things.

When there is a case of circumstantial evidence being created in a mind control case, and there is evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that the individual that is implicated or alleged to have committed a crime, previously, that is being alleged through the circumstantial evidence created through mind control use, did not commit the crime, previously, then the case will be dismissed, unless if there is evidence to the contrary in the future. If there is circumstantial evidence that suggests that a crime will be committed in the future, through the use of mind control or criminal computer programs, then the victim of the mind control crime(s) and/or criminal computer software should be investigated, in addition to the source of the fabrication of circumstantial evidence, to actually take the criminal system(s) that create circumstantially inciting evidence offline, and prosecute any person or any organization that was associated with creating the system(s), to determine if there was any malice, such as damaging the victim of the implications of the system(s), and charge the creators of the criminal system(s) or conductors of the mind control crime(s) if there was any criminal motives to damage the victim of mind control or criminal computer system(s), or otherwise, if they are usually trusted system(s), ensure that the system(s) are fixed, immediately, to ensure that the systematic crime(s) do not occur to anyone or anything in the future. The creation of criminal computer system(s) is illegal and shall be prosecuted for up to 90 days in jail, if the assailant is caught for doing so, including any use of Artificial Intelligence with any direct or contextual commands that allow or conduct crimes to be committed by the computer software, even indirectly by others.

All computer software developers will need to fix their software to ensure it is compliant with Department of Justice standards for computer software, including any computer software that interacts with others, based on Ethics Standards developed by the U.S. Congress. Mind control is illegal. Artificial Telepathy is legal, if it does not conduct originally alterative mind control, also known as mind control crimes. Any software that, for an example, makes a person smarter, must be mathematically verified using Justice Department standards, that it is fixing a person’s life based on the way it was damaged, to correct how a person’s life was damaged, by making it a better life for them in the future.


Religious Organizations and Legal Shielding from The Justice Department

Criminals within religious organizations, such as the Catholic Church system, and other criminals, including sex abusers, usually protected within religious organizations, are warranted to be investigated and prosecuted by The Justice Department.

Religion or religious organizations shall not shield criminals within them by the separation of church from state, however religion or religious organizations should defend honest, non-criminal individuals and organizations that are inclusive of their religion. The legal question is whether going to church makes a person look good to governments, because of the separation of church and state, which means if a person is involved in the religious world, they are considered to be studying and celebrating being involved in Christianity, in general, usually which affords the protections, which the government then is promoting Christianity as a legal defense from systems that maintain honesty in how people admit to and defend themselves from others, including through the public perception that a good tempered church-goer with a good mood could not have possibly been a criminal.

It is notable that individuals associated with security systems often know how to defeat the systems, however because the systems store data, this is often considered a more accurate assumption that an individual is not a criminal, according to professional organizations associated with upholding the law, or even law enforcement itself. These individuals are not necessarily associated with Christianity, and some do not remove Christianity from their work with security systems.

However, people that do bad things in professional organizations, such as crime, terrorism, or war, even exclusively in foreign countries, and use religious organizations to defend themselves from prosecution, even through collective defenses within security organizations, are misusing associations and relationships against the values of Christianity, and they should be prosecuted by the church system as well as in public organizations.


Ensuring that SPACE WEAPONS are not used to harm any LIVING THING

Space weapons shall be defined as illegal, if they can reach the ground, and damaging any living thing, such as any animal or any vertebrate or any feline or any canis familiaris or anything else that is a living thing. Any such space weapon shall be illegal to invent or prototype or manufacture or launch or operate. Any person that uses any space weapon to physically damage or injure or cause the death of any living thing shall face a life prison sentence, when caught.

Individuals shall be caught by determining not necessarily what people have said, however what the laws of society have determined, as such that the data must correlate directly back to the individual who conducted the illegal activities, and the software that controlled the illegal activities must have been controlled by the individual that conducted the illegal act.

  • IDEAINT Generator – a secondary satellite transmitting a signal to an IDEAINT capture device in a Brain to Computer interface shall warrant charging the individual that created the IDEAINT Generator, and any individual that controlled the IDEAINT generator to conduct any illegal acts.
  • Remote Control – a remote control module that used a computer program through a Remote Procedure Call shall be responsible if they used the command to execute any command to conduct any illegal act.
  • Autonomous System – an individual that programmed an autonomous system or computer program that is autonomous, to conduct an illegal act, shall be charged for any illegal act that the autonomous system conducted.


Hateful Errornous Investigations or False Investigations

Any officers that conduct investigations that are hateful towards a person, or hatefully targeting a person, or are otherwise treasonous, will be criminally referred to The Justice Department for processing. Conducting forward-looking investigations into any protected witness or any protected person or any angel child shall be categorically illegal. These investigations are meant to criminally hold back highly skilled individuals, possibly because they have testified against officials in the past in serious cases, and they use methods such as IDEAINT generation, IDEAINT fraud, THOUGHTINT generation, THOUGHTINT fraud, criminal conspiracies, terrorism conspiracies, surveillance video fraud, transcript fraud, legal fraud, and legal defense fraud, to attempt to take down the individual because of their chosen or sworn future career. If the career pertains to government, then these investigations are seeking to criminally and politically damage an individual throughout society, to attempt to stop them from becoming a sworn official to defend the Constitution and uphold the law of the land, through methods such as defamation of character, libel, and slander through covert communications that others generally do not talk about, however it may harm their reputation in the industries, and require the individual to seek employment with a government entity, to ensure that future remains official.