Ensuring Artificial Intelligence is not Psychologically Damaging

Artificial Intelligence use, such as through ARTIFICIAL TELEPATHY, or MIND CONTROL SYSTEMS, shall not be psychologically damaging to anyone or anything, at home or abroad, such that Artificial Intelligence that performs any type of influence or controls of the mind shall never be used to psychologically interfere with the normal way that a person’s mind works to process their environment, and be able to determine good from bad, or through any process that would give any person bad thoughts.


Taking Away Bad Software

Artificial Intelligence software that can perform bad things, such as war crimes or ex-judicial execution should be taken away and deleted, and put into SEALED ICC EVIDENCE, or some other type of high-court level SEALED EVIDENCE, and then any crimes that were performed with the software, if the person wrote the war crimes or ex-judicial execution software themselves, should be charged to whomever did the crimes with the software, and whomever wrote the software.

If there is mostly good software that has one bad thing in it, it may be a virus, and the virus should be cleaned out, however if it is mostly bad software, with war crimes and/or extra judicial software, then the entire software program should be deleted, and the individual should be charged if it is their software originally, or if they knowingly performed the acts themselves.

Additionally, Artificial Intelligence software that makes threats should also be fixed or deleted, including official software, to ensure that there is no contentious work environment or contested work environment. Artificial Intelligence that does bad things to the government should be deleted, regardless of whomever owns it. Simulations of things in public or in private that could create a contentious work environment, such as false or fake investigations or trials or actions, should also be prevented, to ensure that the reputations of good people are not damaged by the few that have access to damaging artificial intelligence computer applications.


Sentinel Systems

Sentinel systems are artificial intelligence computer systems that somehow see the bad in everything, such as the tank of fuel is half empty, rather than half full, that pertains to a combination of surveillance and threat analysis. Security is needed to ensure that these systems do not permiate the way they think about things into public, so that innocent bystandards are not negatively affected by these systems, psychologically. Someone that is tolerant to these systems, exposed to the public, would simply refill the tank of fuel to be full, however someone that is not, would run run out of fuel on the side of the road, which would present even more problems for the individual, such as calling roadside service, or even towing their vehicle back home. There is a need for a system that actually solves the problems that are presented from a sentinel system, without damaging the public.


Impersonation Software

Artificial intelligence software that impersonates people or things shall be categorically illegal, outside of 3 U.S. Code §202.



Artificial Intelligence programs including chatbots shall not say things using any contextual references to any real person, such as impersonating a real person by using their voice, or visualizations that look like a real person, to say things or do things, visually or otherwise, that would misrepresent the same real person or anyone else. It shall be categorically illegal for any computer program to testify against any person or any organization that is presumed innocent. False testimony by computer programs shall be a liability of the government, which shall be reimbuseable to any person or any organization that was damaged because of any computer application that testified falsely against any same individual or any same organization, including in private or in public.



PLANINT is the planning of usage of mind control technology to make a person and things such as media coverage, to occur at the same time in the future. FUTUREINT is the on-going predictions algorithm data that determines what will likely occur in the future, including pertaining to every person and every organization, to determine how to use PLANINT to prevent the bad things from happening, to maintain proper legal stature of everyone and everything.

PLANINT shall never include anything damaging towards any American. Whenever FUTUREINT predicts that anything bad would ever occur to or because of any American, PLANINT must be used ahead of time to prevent the bad thing that was detected in FUTUREINT, however PLANINT shall still never negatively affect any American.