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MCE123 - Technology Development

Flood-Proof Vehicles for Civilians

Flood-Proof Vehicles for Civilians

There should be more attention paid to developing automobiles that are at a minimum resistant to flooding in the engine compartment and in the inside of the vehicle, if not completely flood proof. There are many reasons as to why someone would want a flood-proof vehicle, such as the increased incidence of flooding in the world due to Climate Change, or the safety of not having the passenger compartment flood if the vehicle goes off the side of the road into a river. These are problems caused by humans, and human beings invented the automobile, and there have been amphibious vehicles developed for the military that can drive through water – so why not develop such technology for civilians? Every time there is a flood, the used car market gets flooded with, well, flooded out vehicles that companies try to fix up and they never quite work the same way, so even if you’re not in an area where it floods often, you probably know someone who has been affected by the flooding in some way with regards to their vehicle. The vehicle for civilians doesn’t need to be military grade – it just needs to protect the vehicle and its occupants from the water damage. It could save hundreds, if not thousands of lives to have every car be flood proofed.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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