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This document is a Marketing SWOT Analysis template created by Patrick R. McElhiney, B.S. Marketing Management. It is for mapping out your organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats - to determine how successful your business may be. This document is commonly used with a Marketing Plan template document.

This file contains our pricing for Business Card Stickers printed on an offset press. These prices do not include the design fees of creating the Business Card Sticker layout.

This file contains our pricing for Folded Business Cards printed on an offset press. These prices do not include the design fees of creating the Folded Business Card layout.


This file contains our pricing for Gift Tags printed on an offset press. These prices do not include the design fees of creating the Gift Tag layout.


This file contains our pricing for Letterhead printed on an offset press. These prices do not include the design fees of creating the Letterhead layout. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock