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MCE123 - Blog - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can MCE123 help to ensure that other people find my website?

There are virtually an unlimited number of ways that MCE123 can help visitors find your website - the only limitation is your budget. Below are some of the ways that MCE123 can help to advertise your website, grouped by relatively inexpensive, to relatively expensive.

Relatively Inexpensive Website Advertisement Types

  • Word of Mouth - this is the most inexpensive way to advertise your website. If you get a nice website built, people will talk about it because of how unique it is, and they will spread the word, attracting visitors to your website.
  • Blogging - the use of content authoring on your website will attract more organic visitors to your website from the major search engines.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - this is probably the least expensive way to advertise a website. It includes ensuring that when certain keywords are searched for in the major search engines, that your website comes up in the list. It can be more expensive if you're looking to be the #1 search result, and paying for advertisement services with the search engines can help to increase the odds that your website comes up in the #1 slot.
  • Public Relations - this is a way to use the news media to advertise your website for free! It usually involves your organization doing something good for the community in return for exposure on the news media.
  • Printed Marketing Materials - especially if your website is a local website, getting printed marketing materials and distributing them locally may be one of the most inexpensive ways to advertise your website.
  • Viral Media - this is difficult to do, but if you have a lot of time to invest into creating the perfect viral media, you can attract a large number of visitors to your website.
  • Search Engine Business Listings - these are usually free, and can help drive traffic from local visitors to your website, especially if your business is in a prime location. We recommend doing this irregardless of where your business is located - it can help to provide a lot of context to what your organization does in the search results.

Relatively Expensive Website Advertisement Types

  • Paid Banner Advertisements - these are banner advertisements on other websites that get a lot of traffic. Rates can vary, but this is a relatively expensive way to advertise your website.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising - this is when you pay a certain market price per keyword, either per click, or per impression, on the major search engines to guarantee traffic to your website or at least to see your advertisement while they are searching.
  • Newspaper Advertisements - these are relatively expensive, and won't necessarily work to drive immediate traffic to your website, depending upon what your business does for its customers, and what the offer is that you put in the advertisement.
  • Radio Advertising - this is relatively expensive to do, and may include Internet radio stations, or even conventional AM/FM radio stations. Yes, people still listen to local radio stations!
  • Television Advertisements - this is a relatively expensive way to advertise your website, however it is very successful at attracting a large number of potential customers to your website.
  • Billboards - this is very expensive, but will attract a large number of visitors to your website. We can help you create the ultimate billboard design, if you choose to do this!
  • Celebrity Sponsorship - this is an extremely expensive way to drive an enormous amount of traffic to your website. We can help you pick the right sponsor, if you need to do this.

Hopefully now you have some ideas of some ways that we can help you advertise your website. Like we said, there are virtually an unlimited number of ways that MCE123 can help Internet users find your website - the most important thing is to find the right target market for your advertisements, and focus on them. We can help you advertise your website regardless of your budget - so Contact Us today to find out more information about how MCE123 can help your organization! Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock