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MCE123 - Technology Development

Automated Agricultural Robotics Technologies

Automated Agricultural Robotics Technology

These technologies pertain to the automation of farm labor, such as land preparation, weeding, planting, watering, trimming, harvesting and picking, and plant removal / plowing. The technologies, originally envisioned by MCE123 in 2010, would be able to perform over 90% of the labor required to farm land. It would use precise sensor networks, such as GPS navigation, depth sensors, humidity sensors, computer vision, and other types of sensors to determine the most productive ways to farm land – which could be determined with Artificial Intelligence that drives the robotics systems specific to the requirements of specific sets of land. The systems would be able to queue up operations, such as picking or harvesting, and automatically move vehicles into position to receive the harvest, and the vehicles would be able to automatically drive themselves to the drop off location(s). The systems would be able to determine which product should be picked and/or harvested to get the best possible product at the perfect timing. The systems would be able to spray pesticides automatically, with sensor systems that detect the presence of humans or other obstructions to know when to not spray. The systems would be able to prepare land for growing crops, and keep the land in good shape in-between harvests by keeping weeds and other non-needed plants under control.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

MCE123SM invents original concepts for new high-tech technologies in our Technology Development department that can be purchased by other organizations to develop into physical products. Before you invest any time or money into refining or producing any invention that is in relation to anything you view on our website, please consult with our Legal Department. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property Theft lawsuits and cases to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing any of our products.

This Intellectual Property is owned by MCE123SM Technology Development. By viewing this Intellectual Property, you agree to the rights of the IP holder established under the Intellectual Property Rights Management agreement. To use the Intellectual Property, you must first obtain an Intellectual Property license, and you must pay royalties for each product that is produced using the Intellectual Property license. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock