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MCE123 - Technology Development

4D Echo Detection Satellite

This satellite has a combination of multiple camera lenses and parabolic audio equipment that detects echoes that occur over a period of time. There is an on-board computer that tracks echo patterns that are familiar to national security, and when the patterns are detected the signals are intercepted and sent to the intelligence community to take steps to stop the echoes such as re-programming of media to brainwash the echo out of society. There are multiple lenses, one that focuses on a large surveillance target, and other lenses that focus on surveillance targets to determine how to minimize echo patterns through micro-targeting. The parabolic audio equipment detects audio that occurs on the ground, such that discussions taking place on the ground are intercepted as high quality audio. The satellite has the capability to process details of all of the movements of vehicles, all persons walking, all working processes, and look into all buildings, such that even activities that are hidden inside buildings that are identified to be causing an echo can be identified and corrected through re-programming of media. The parabolic audio is able to gather signals intelligence based on the audio on the ground, so there is intelligence to base the micro-targeting on.

Multiple satellites of this class would be possible to stop echoes that occur through multiple countries, such as echoes that are systematic through multiple countries, and echoes that drive two countries against one another. The combination of multiple satellites is able to communicate with each other while in orbit. The satellites are able to communicate with the ground at very high speeds. There are capabilities to upgrade the satellites. There are backup computers in each of the satellites. There is enough memory on each of the satellites to operate for 30 years without deleting information. All of the information, such as the raw data, can be transmitted back to earth through wireless communications. The wireless communications may utilize a high-speed laser that focuses on a ground transceiver that intercepts the information, allowing the laser on the satellite to move and focus on the ground transceiver as the satellite passes through orbit. The ground transceiver is able to receive information from multiple satellites at the same time. The lasers are able to communicate multiple streams of data at the same time, such that the image in the laser light is both encrypted and has a focused pattern of light that is able to transmit terabytes of information within several milliseconds of time. This is possible due to high frequencies, the focus of the laser light, and the multiple compartments of light within the laser light that can be turned on and off, change color, and vary with pulse rate and brightness. This technology would have the capability of transmitting an entire storage area network in less than one second. The ground-based transceivers are capable of being stationary, allowing the satellites to send the information to the ground automatically as the satellites pass over the visible orbit of the transceivers.

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MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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