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MCE123 - Technology Development

Nuclear Heat-Channelized High-Flow Refrigeration

This technology pertains to the use of high-flow rates of refrigeration liquid that is compressed and decompressed, in addition to the use of refrigeration jet engines with vacuum pressurized flow channels that move the refrigeration liquid from hot areas to compressed cooling systems at a very fast rate, such that the same equivalent amount of refrigeration liquid is able to move throughout the entire system in less than one second. This is for the purpose of the creation of both a heat-concentration area for a process of hyper-flash water to steam, and a hyper-refrigeration area that instantly converts the steam jet streams back into a liquid state. This is used to destroy any living organisms in water, while at the same time the speed of the flow of the water and the amount of heat and cooling needed for the instant / hyper-processes of heating and then cooling require a hyper-flow refrigeration system that can move the heat from one compartment to the other to counter-rotate the physics of the liquid-to-gas state to a gas-to-liquid state without losing a lot of energy in the process. An insulation system that is able to withstand on-going high-pressure temperature differences is used to keep the heat out of the refrigeration compartment. The heat source can be controlled through the amount of heat introduced from the nuclear core. The use of computerized equipment monitors samples of water taken from sensors in each of the compartments to determine how the process of the heat flash back to a cooled liquid is correctly treating the water, and the heat introduced to the system is managed through linear and logarithmic scales based on flow rates, intake water temperature, compartment temperatures, pressure of refrigeration liquid, the flow rates of the refrigeration liquid at various points of sensors in the refrigeration system, and the effectiveness of the systems to cure the water, in addition to the calibration of the flash-heat and cooling process to ensure the maximum amount of efficiency. An on-going calibration system automatically adjusts the flow-rates, pressure, and temperatures based on a scientific model of the metrics to highest-efficiency capabilities of the equipment, input, and output. An emergency safety process is built into the refrigeration systems, the flow systems, and the compartments of heat and cold, to ensure that there are no problems that develop from any types of failures in the system – such as mechanical failures of pumps, such that the emergency security system is able to circulate a ventilation process that is capable of working even if the nuclear core shut down entirely. This ventilates the heat and cold differences from the ship to ensure the insulation of the temperature difference in addition to the absence of the water flow does not lead to any types of cracking in metals, and other types of system / equipment failures. The ventilation system works through the circulation of liquids and large air blowers / vents, all of which are able to run on battery backup that has diesel or natural gas generator backup systems. The ventilation exits the ship through the stern of the ship in weather-proofed vents that only flow outwards through the one-way rotation of the blower vents on the inside sealed exhaust compartment.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

MCE123SM invents original concepts for new high-tech technologies in our Technology Development department that can be purchased by other organizations to develop into physical products. Before you invest any time or money into refining or producing any invention that is in relation to anything you view on our website, please consult with our Legal Department. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property Theft lawsuits and cases to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing any of our products.

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