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MCE123 - Technology Development

Geospatial Mind Control System / Leadership Verification System

This technology pertains to uses of a geospatial satellite system to control the minds of and verify the leadership of active military command, such that the system verifies that the minds of leadership are within the requirements of allegiance to the country. This also has possibilities to ensure that members of military are safe for duty, such as checking to determine if any member of military are acting on contingency of events / conditions that would lead their activities to suddenly change and go against the country. The purpose of this system is to ensure that active military does not conduct attacks against the country / politicians, and that rather having situations where there was a problem, active military can be temporarily relieved to protect from contingencies if the events / conditions would meet the requirements of the contingency and there is a possibility that the contingency would be carried out. There would be a classified process of appeal that would be able to re-instate active service and help military intelligence officials improve the system. The thought records and the mind control system would be separate from military records, due to the complexity of human thoughts and individuals having different levels of education, intelligence, and thought processes.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

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