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MCE123 - Technology Development

Grouping Print Spooler Application

Grouping Print Spooler Application

This invention concept pertains to a print spooler application that would run on a Windows based system, that would allow the user to spool multiple documents or web pages into a spooled group, and then the page numbers and headers / footers could be customized to print specific text or data that pertains to that group of printed documents, such as case numbers or barcodes for legal work, or for other types of documentation purposes. The print spooler would occur before the actual print spooler, so it would be a special type of printer that is an intermediary, and then it would ask where you want to print the group of documents or web pages at after you have configured how you would like them to print. The application would allow the user to preview the information, and it could be exported to PDF or other image formats as well. The printer could also use OCR character recognition to convert the printed pages into other types of documents, such as PDFs with textual parameters, and other types of editable pre-printed documents – so for an instance when you go to print a website and it’s showing you all kinds of code and images that are out of the order that you want to print them in, you would be able to customize the printed order of those elements or delete them from the printed document(s) before they print. This tool could also help to save paper, by previewing all of the pages, and weeding out blank pages, while changing the number of pages that it says are in the document when it prints, for an instance with legal cases that require all of the printed pages to appear – so you could remove things and then print and not waste paper.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

MCE123SM invents original concepts for new high-tech technologies in our Technology Development department that can be purchased by other organizations to develop into physical products. Before you invest any time or money into refining or producing any invention that is in relation to anything you view on our website, please consult with our Legal Department. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property Theft lawsuits and cases to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing any of our products.

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