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Desert Facilities Construction

Desert Facilities Construction

This pertains to the construction of facilities, such as homes and commercial buildings, in desert conditions such as in areas of high winds, high heat, and on sand dunes. These facilities may pertain to some types of land and environmental characteristics on other planets, and the improvements to building structures could lead to the improvement of building materials, improved processes for sealing buildings from external environments such as the creation of artificial environments and living conditions within the sealed buildings, the development of equipment to filter the air and remove all sand from the air at the entry points to the facilities in order to prevent the tracking of and the contamination of air inside the facilities, the creation of improved air conditioning technologies that use less energy, are able to filter the air at a sub-atomic level such as the removal of all debris, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter through the filtration of the air through permeation filters that only allow basic elements such as oxygen to pass through, and air conditioning systems that are capable of operating under extreme conditions such as the protection of the equipment from extreme heat, secondary systems that protect the air conditioning equipment and isolate the air conditioning equipment from the outside, backup systems for the air conditioning including power and automated robotic systems maintenance, zero emissions, air conditioning systems that have the ability to prevent fires while at the same time not remove the air from the building – such as seal-tight facilities that are impossible for fire to occur in due to extreme constraints of the air movement and the inability for flammable materials to catch fire due to the extreme constraints. These inventions and studies of such inventions should occur first at a scientific level without persons in the facilities, such that the facilities construction technology is for the purpose of the development of the secured and sealed facilities infrastructure, rather than for the actual construction of facilities for a purpose of a desert building. The facilities themselves are for the purpose of scientific testing and the development of technologies that protect the facilities and facilities technologies from the environment and the protection of the living standards inside through the isolation of all air and matter inside the buildings from the outside.

Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123SM Intellectual Property Development

MCE123SM invents original concepts for new high-tech technologies in our Technology Development department that can be purchased by other organizations to develop into physical products. Before you invest any time or money into refining or producing any invention that is in relation to anything you view on our website, please consult with our Legal Department. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property Theft lawsuits and cases to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing any of our products.

This Intellectual Property is owned by MCE123SM Technology Development. By viewing this Intellectual Property, you agree to the rights of the IP holder established under the Intellectual Property Rights Management agreement. To use the Intellectual Property, you must first obtain an Intellectual Property license, and you must pay royalties for each product that is produced using the Intellectual Property license. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock